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You are viewing the Blessed Angels After Effects Project from

Amongst the cloud highway a film title graphic eminates from the middle distance of the celestial frost.

This project template is created entirely within AE, using No external graphics, No source files and No additional plug-ins.
This Blessed Angels After Effects project can be yours and could be downloaded and operational within your AE project in just minutes from the adobe exchange please click here for more details Adobe exchange

This project template is for Adobe After Effects CS3/4/5/6/CC, it uses NO Additional Plug-ins and it can also purchased as part of a special bundled collection of 25 related projects.

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      Devoid Gleam

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      Smokey Blue Rays

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      Version: CS3/4/5/6/CC
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      Classic Movie Title

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      Version: CS3/4/5/6/CC
      No additional plugins required
      No external GFX files


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